First Light Natural Health

First Light Sleep Support 20ml Oral Spray

Negative condition: Lack of sleep, restless sleep, exhaustion, nightmares

Positive outcome: Restful sleep, relaxation, restoration

An emotionally soothing flower essence blend to support relaxation, healthy sleep rhythms and restoration. A natural support for a restful night’s sleep. Use when you are having difficulty ‘switching your mind off’ or are unable to stop thinking about problems or situations that have occurred during the day. Use when feeling overtired or unable to fall or stay asleep. Non-drowsy, non-addictive.


Or 4 payments of $7.48

  • Product Benefits
  • Ingredients
  • Dosage

Sleep Support© provides natural support when you are experiencing any of the following:

• Worrying or a lot on your mind preventing you from getting a good night's sleep 
• Changes in sleeping routine due to travel or other circumstances 
• Bad dreams or nightmares 
• Finding it difficult to relax and fall asleep 
• Waking up through the night or waking up tired 
• Broken sleep, irregular working hours or working nightshifts



• Relaxing and switching off the mind 
• Feeling peaceful and present 
• Getting a good night's sleep 
• Able to ‘switch off’ from the day 
• Waking feeling rested and ready for the coming day

First Light Natural Health® flower essence blends are sustainably made in total cooperation with nature and contain only natural ingredients.

  1. 100% natural
  2. Animal and plant cruelty free
  3. Free from fragrances, petrochemicals, parabens and other additives
  4. Carefully made in New Zealand with New Zealand native plants

Contains: alkaline mineral water, ethanol (alcohol as a natural preservative), aqueous botanical infusions of Native Flax (Phormium tenax), Matata (Rhabdothamnus solandri), Rengarenga Lily (Arthropodium cirratum), Lacebark (Hoheria populnea), Clematis (Clematis paniculata) and Akeake (Dodonaea viscosa).

First Light Natural Health® Sleep Support® is made with award winning First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®:

No 2 Native Flax - Enthusiasm
For those who experience impatience, frustration, irritability and emotional tension. Supports a positive, outgoing attitude to life and the ability to handle situations with optimism and ease. Supports you to feel ‘alive’ and ready to face the world.

No 8 Matata - Adaptability
For those who have a very busy mind and find it difficult to ‘switch off’. Supports adaptability, flexibility, balance, inner peace, tranquility, calmness, and open-mindedness. Supports the ability to multi-task and allow further answers to come to mind.

No 14 Rengarenga Lily - Creativity
For those who are prone to self-sabotage and over-dramatisation. Supports the imagination, creative problem solving and bringing ideas into reality. Supports breaking through creative blocks and staying creative during times of stress and crisis.

No 23 Lacebark - Fearlessness
For those who experience emotional overload and distress. Supports you to feel strong and courageous. Supports openness, composure, inner resourcefulness, emotional empowerment and balance. Supports you to feel that you are in control and able to cope.

No 77 Clematis - White Light Protection
For those who experience fear, terror or feelings of disempowerment. Supports you to feel in control in difficult or chaotic situations. Supports you to feel composed, uplifted, protected and clear of negative energy. Supports a sense of feeling grounded, settled and being able to make empowered choices.

No 78 Akeake - Change
For those experiencing suffering, upheaval, turmoil or sorrow. Supports you to find emotional balance and inner peace during upheaval or enforced change. Supports the freeing up of old stuck energy, beliefs and ideas. Supports a feeling of initiative, clarity and awareness. Supports you to stay in the present and respond positively to changing circumstances.

Easy to use 20ml oral spray. Spray 2-4 times directly under the tongue. 
Adult: Repeat 3-4 times daily. Child: Repeat 2-3 times daily. 
Can be taken more frequently if desired and for as long as required. 
For maximum benefit, once the bottle is opened, continue taking until finished.