First Light Natural Health

First Light Detox Support 20ml Oral Spray

Negative condition: Toxic, sluggish, stuck in old habits and patterns

Positive outcome: Free, clean, fresh and renewed

An emotionally cleansing flower essence blend to support the natural release and elimination of old outworn habits and emotional patterns. Supports inner purity, order and wholeness. Supports you to initiate a change and apply personal will and resolution to gain positive momentum. Use when letting go of the old, when breaking a habit, fasting, dieting, detoxing or embarking on a spring clean of any kind.


Or 4 payments of $7.48

  • Product Benefits
  • Ingredients
  • Dosage

De-Tox Support© provides natural support when you are experiencing any of the following:

• Feeling heavy, blocked or unhealthy 
• Undertaking a detox programme, a diet, fast or cleanse
• Feeling stuck and wanting to change unproductive patterns in your life 
• Sabotaging yourself through chaotic or negative lifestyle choices 
• A general lack of order and wellbeing 
• Difficulty sticking to a healthy way of life



• Transforming negative energy, emotions and attitudes 
• Initiating and creating positive changes 
• Applying personal will and resolution 
• Releasing and letting go of old outworn habits
• Emotional and energetic support during dieting, detoxing, cleansing, fasting and personal spring cleaning

First Light Natural Health® flower essence blends are sustainably made in total cooperation with nature and contain only natural ingredients.

  1. 100% natural
  2. Animal and plant cruelty free
  3. Free from fragrances, petrochemicals, parabens and other additives
  4. Carefully made in New Zealand with New Zealand native plants

Contains: alkaline mineral water, ethanol (alcohol as a natural preservative), aqueous botanical infusions of Small White Rata (Metrosideros perforata), Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium), Whau (Entelea arborescens), Clematis (Clematis paniculata) and Akeake (Dodonaea viscosa).

First Light Natural Health® De-tox Support® is made with award winning First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®:

No 16 Small White Rata - Perfection
For those who experience a lack of energetic purity, cleanliness or balance. Supports the mind-body connection and the energetic state of purity, order and balance.  Supports a sense of self-awareness and wholeness and the application of personal will to improve your own health and wellbeing.

No 22 Manuka - Purification
For those who wish to release habits and behaviours that no longer serve them. Supports those ready to transmute and purify negative emotions and old emotional pain. Supports self-regeneration, feeling in control of emotions and being in touch with your own power and will. 

No 75 Whau - Release
For those who have difficulties letting go of the old and outworn attitudes and behaviours. Supportive during times of transition and change. Supports the release of outworn attitudes to habits, people, places or things. For those seeking to make a radical shift and initiate positive

No 77 Clematis - White Light Protection
For those who experience fear, terror or feelings of disempowerment. Supports you to feel in control in difficult or chaotic situations. Supports you to feel composed, uplifted, protected and clear of negative energy. Supports a sense of feeling grounded, settled and being able to make empowered choices.

No 78 Akeake - Change
For those experiencing suffering, upheaval, turmoil or sorrow. Supports you to find emotional balance and inner peace during upheaval or enforced change. Supports the freeing up of old stuck energy, beliefs and ideas. Supports a feeling of initiative, clarity and awareness. Supports you to stay in the present and respond positively to changing circumstances.


Easy to use 20ml oral spray. Spray 2-4 times directly under the tongue. 
Adult: Repeat 3-4 times daily. Child: Repeat 2-3 times daily. 
Can be taken more frequently if desired and for as long as required. 
For maximum benefit, once the bottle is opened, continue taking until finished.