
Naturopharm Agri-Homeopathy Too Wet 30ml

After too much rain, waterlogging or over-watering.

Formulated to help plants recover after a wet spell or during continues wet weather.

Simply dilute and spray your plants.

A little goes a long way!


$30.20 $35.60

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Suggested Companion Products and Advice

All plants rely on healthy soil, so also consider Balanced Soil for added minerals.

Advisable to have a dedicated applicator bottle for each different plant product, because the potencies tend to remain in the container even once empty. In large fields, you can use a big spray pump. To clean it, flush it three times thoroughly with water and leave it to dry for 24 hours before using it again.

Too much rain and waterlogging have detrimental effects on our plants. Too much moisture promotes fungal growth and root rot. Carbo Veg helps rescue plants from a wilted, near death state, Thuja protects against fungi and Nat Sulph provides resistance in damp conditions.

Too Wet contains the homoeopathic remedies Carbo Veg 12c, Nat Sulph 30c, Thuja 30c.

How to administer

Dilute at a ratio of 1 squirt (± 20 drops) to 1 cup of water to the volume required, mix well and either water the roots or spray the plant.

Treat for 3 days after a hot spell or as needed in hot weather.