Grenera Organic Tamanu Seed Oil 100ml

  • Promotes growth of new, healthy skin tissue and epidermal cells of dry, damaged skin
  • Helps accelerate wound healing and reduce scar tissue, eczema, psoriasis
  • Supports to clear acne, acne scars and athletes foot
  • Helps relieve pain of shingles and sciatica


  • Additional Information
  • Ingredients
  • Dosage
  • Precautions

Grenera Tamanu Oil is a natural nut oil produced from the nut kernels of the Tamanu Tree using Cold Pressed Extraction Method. Tamanu (Calophyllum Inophyllum) is a species with several varieties that can be found in parts of South-East Asia, Southern India and Melanesian Islands. Tamanu is an evergreen tree and a member of the Mangosteen family. It is a slow growing tree and can grow up to 30 metres in height. 

The Tamanu tree blooms twice annually with fragrant, white flowers, which later yield clusters of yellow-skinned spherical fruit nut,and from this a sticky oil is cold-pressed to make a greenish yellow oil similar to olive oil. It takes a lot of Tamanu Nuts to produce a small quantity of oil – in fact, it takes around four trees to produce approximately 20 Litres of pure Tamanu Oil, depending on the size and yield of the trees!

Tamanu Oil possesses a unique fatty acid, Calophylllic Acid, which supports the regeneration of new tissue. Other components include Lactone (antibiotic), anti-inflammatory agents such as Calophyllolide and Courmarins as well as other types of lipids.

100% Cold Pressed Tamanu Seeds


Suggested Application: Apply topically, directly to the surface of the affected skin. May be used 2 to 4 times daily if necessary.

Always read the label, use only as directed.