Naturopharm Lampona Cylindrata 30c Spray
Found throughout New Zealand this social spider loves the company of humans and thrives on a diet of other spiders. You will find Lampona Cylindrata often under bark, rocks, or leaf and dark musty corners of the house, in shoes left outside and gardening gloves.
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- Dosage
Bite symptoms include one or more of the following:
burning followed by localised swelling
itchiness at bite site
the bite can develop into an ulcerous sore
flu like symptoms
necrosis (rotting of the skin) may occur
A central principle of homeopathy is "like cures like" or "that which can cause a disease can also cure it". A homeopathic remedy Lampona Cylindrata 30c has been manufactured from the spider itself. The remedy can be taken to support the body's response to a White Tailed Spider bite. The remedy can be taken to support the body's response in conjunction with C.G.H 6x (Drainage), which is designed to support the elimination organs (gallbladder, liver, and spleen) while detoxing.