Absolute Essential

Absolute Essential Lavender Sweet Certified Organic 10ml

This is a very light Lavender oil specifically grown for its gentle Lavender scent. Lavender Sweet is a wonderful all rounder, great for diffusing, cleaning and washing around the home. It is great for skin care, very calming, and good to help ease nervous tension. This oil is gentle enough to be applied directly to the skin making it ideal for children and the elderly. Blends well.


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  • Additional Information
  • Product Benefits
  • Ingredients
  • Dosage
  • Precautions

  • The Difference between Lavenders
    Lavender Sweet (organic) has a soft, gentle scent,ideal for using in cleaning products, laundry and skin care. It can still be utilised to assist the skin's natural healing and regeneration processes, to promote relaxation, calm and balance Lavender True (organic) is calming and relaxing, excellent for skin healing and for burns, cuts and for general first aid. Lavender Spike (organic) is great for respiratory support and for muscle and joint pain.
  • Lavender True (organic)
    Utilised in Skin Healing to assist the skin's natural healing and regeneration processes, especially when blistered or scalded. Lavender True (organic) is very calming and may help to ease painful nerve activity. Use to promote sleep & calm and helps to counter restlessness and sleeplessness. Use to counter the affects of shock. Can be used to aid healing when skin is bruised and damaged.
  • Lavender Spike
    Reported to have antispasmodic properties that may be useful against irritating coughs, it blends well with other respiratory essential oils. Can be used to promote clear sinuses in babies and has a gentle penetrating aroma that encourages deep healthy breathing. It offers cleansing and expectorant properties to support natural recovery from respiratory illness and is ideal for young children and elderly. Has reported analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties a useful addition to massage blends for treating painful body conditions and injury.
Safety: Lavender is one of the safest essential oils if used as directed. It can be applied directly to the skin. If ingested, drink milk & consult a health specialist. Avoid eyes, flush with water. Keep out of reach of children. Please note: Therapeutic plant oils are used to support natural body process for optimum health and wellbeing. The information here is NOT meant as recommendation for cure of any medical condition or disease.

Lavender has been widely used for over 2500 years. The Romans scented their public bathhouses with it and the ancient Egyptians included it in mummification. In Medieval and Renaissance Europe washerwomen were known as lavenders because they spread their laundry over lavender bushes to dry. Lavender has historically been promoted for its soothing, relaxing qualities and has been used to treat hyperactivity, insomnia, headaches, and sore joints. Also used to help ward off diseases such as the plague and cholera. Lavender is believed to act as a mild sedative and has been used to treat burns, bruises and insect bites. It has long been considered a herb of love. Cleopatra was said to have used Lavender to seduce Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Please note: the traditional uses listed here are for reference only and under no circumstances should they be taken as recommendations for cures or treatments for diseases or medical conditions. Therapeutic oils are used to support natural body functions and work in harmony with our body's physiology.

Lavender has been widely used for over 2500 years. The Romans scented their public bathhouses with it and the ancient Egyptians included it in mummification. In Medieval and Renaissance Europe washerwomen were known as lavenders because they spread their laundry over lavender bushes to dry. Lavender has historically been promoted for its soothing, relaxing qualities and has been used to treat hyperactivity, insomnia, headaches, and sore joints. Also used to help ward off diseases such as the plague and cholera. Lavender is believed to act as a mild sedative and has been used to treat burns, bruises and insect bites. It has long been considered a herb of love. Cleopatra was said to have used Lavender to seduce Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Please note: the traditional uses listed here are for reference only and under no circumstances should they be taken as recommendations for cures or treatments for diseases or medical conditions. Therapeutic oils are used to support natural body functions and work in harmony with our body's physiology.

Linalool, Linalyl acetate, Camphor, 1,8-Cineol, Borneol, Lavandulyl acetate, Lavandulol

Bath (5-10 drops)
AromaStone (10 drops)

Aroma Diffuser (5-10 drops)
Inhalation (2-5 drops)
Massage (1 drop per 1ml carrier oil)
Compress (3-5 drops)

Safety: Lavender is one of the safest essential oils if used as directed. It can be applied directly to the skin. If ingested, drink milk & consult a health specialist. Avoid eyes, flush with water. Keep out of reach of children. Please note: Therapeutic plant oils are used to support natural body process for optimum health and wellbeing. The information here is NOT meant as recommendation for cure of any medical condition or disease.